Hi Everyone,

Someone recently told me, “2020 is not over…” I think they may have jinxed it.

I am sending out this email in response to the new covid restrictions. The short timing of this new development is difficult for us as we try to adjust and offer everyone kung fu classes in a safe and responsible way. If you haven’t heard the news here is an update from Governer Inslee https://medium.com/wagovernor/inslee-announces-statewide-restrictions-for-four-weeks-c0b7da87d34e 


I want to remind everyone that you can control your membership status, payments, etc online at https://junhongkungfu.com/my-account/ If you need to cancel your payments you can do so at anytime at the link above.


As of now we will keep our current group schedule but I will be adjusting it a bit next week based on students age and experience. 


If you have private lessons please contact me so we can figure out what will be the best way to proceed forward. Lessons at the studio are prohibited for at least the next 4 weeks. I am more than happy to host lessons at my home training space or online. Parks may work but lighting and weather are an issue. If you have to stop doing private lessons for any reason I support you whole heartedly especially if safety and health are a concern. If you want me to hold you spot until after the lockdown please let me know, no problem.


We have been endeavoring to learn Xiao Hong Quan (Small Flood Boxing) which is also considered the “Mother Form” of Shaolin. Over this next lockdown we will be taking time to dive deeper into applications, meaning, and method of Xiao Hong Quan. 


I have put out a lot of free lessons on our youtube for anyone who wants to train but can not. This includes forms, self defense, and basic training. You can also send me videos for feedback anytime wether you are paying for lessons or not. 


I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, diligent and hopeful. With the vaccine on the horizon I am hoping this is the dark before the dawn. Many of you have been extremely supportive of me, our school, and my family but please don’t feel obligated to support us; we will all have plenty of time to kick many butts when this is over. Thank you all and jiayou!