We are changing the dates of our sessions this year. Each session is five days Mon-Fri and you are more than welcome to sign up for as many or few weeks as you like. The weeks you are attending Summer Camp you will not be charged tuition and anyone who signs up for more than one session will get a $50 discount on the next session. If you are interested please sign up on the white board so parents can get an idea of which weeks are the most popular. If any of the sessions end up having less than 5 people sign up we will cancel it.
Drop off 8:30am-9:30am
Pickup 1:30pm | $200/week
Late pickup 6:30pm | +$100/week
Session 1 | 1 Week | July 11-15
Session 2 | 1 Week | July 25-29
Session 3 | 1 Week | Aug 1-5
8:30-9:30 Drop off
9:30 Kung Fu class
10:30 Games at Genesee Field
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Reading hour
1:30 Pick up
2:00 Seward Park
4:30 Kung Fu class
5:30 Open  practice
6:30 Late pick up